So the good news is that I DON'T have pneumonia- yet. The bad news- it feels like I do.
I went to my Dr.'s yesterday. There were some really sick people there, and they all seemed to want to sit by me and cough- open mouth, no hand or hankie- and sniffle (which is a noise I hate more than anything else in this entire world- except maybe for sneezes) Anyway, I try to move away from all of them- sit by myself in a corner by the fish tank- and they kept moving towards me. Sneezing, sniffling and coughing- oh my!
My Dr. (who I don't particularly like, but seems competent so I let my personal feeling slide) said he didn't THINK I had pneumonia, but it could easily turn if I didn't get some rest and sleep. That would be easier said than done though, since I am coughing up a lung every 30 to 40 seconds. He gave me a breathing treatment and I have to go back on Friday if things don't get much better. I also got a rescue inhaler. yippie.
So my plan for today and tomorrow is to simply rest. Watch a lot of tv. Play with the boy. No cure work. No WT work. No work at all.
That is an excellent plan... rest really does help.
keep resting, and take care of you!
thank you. It's been 14 days today. I feel awful. Going back to the Dr. tomorrow.
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