
Just when you think there's all the time in the world..

Another of my high school classmates died over the weekend. We are all in shock. A few weeks ago he was in town and a bunch of people met at the local bar to wish him well- he was going to Afghanistan. We didn't go- after all, the reunion is just next year, and we didn't really have a babysitter anyways. Now I wish we had gone. I don't even know if he even made it to Afghanistan- he died of a heart attack this weekend. He would have been 41 or 42.

Makes me feel rather petty bitching about a dead septic system.


Alana in Canada said...

Oh good heavens. That's sad. But don't feel badly about your septic tank, etc., it's what the "living" do...

thefarmersdaughter said...

I know. I think it's just such a shock right now. A few months ago a few of my classmates started an email chain and yahoo group(s). We have 70 or more now out of a class of under 150 and more are added weekly, so it's a pretty involved group for having graduated 24 years ago. I know more about some of these folks now than when I went to school with them, so it's harder now when something bad happens to one of them.

drwende said...

Yikes. Just yikes.

Your class was also pretty small, so any loss is more immediate.

Colleen said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a graduation class of 55 and I know that if any of my classmates passed away, it would be a terrible shock. Hang in there!