- If these look rather unworn as a whole, it's because they are. Top left is a pair of 3 1/2 inch slides by Via Spiga. A burgundy Ostrich. They aren't as uncomfortable as one might think, but they aren't Dr Scholls either. Keeping them.
- Middle top is a pair of Patent leather Nine west slides with a 4 inch heel. These look like stripper shoes. They have never been worn. Why can't I part with them?
- Top right is a pair of black wedge shoes from Target. They were bought for a wedding and kill my feet-especially the toes. They have to go.
- Bottom right is a pair of 4 inch Calvin Klein heels- denim. This is a mystery to me. Again, these are stripper shoes (or worse)They are leaving the building.
- Middle bottom is a pair of Walter Steigers that I love. They are a open toe sling back, natural leather with a 3 1/2 inch heel. For a short duration these are wearable and they are very cute, and they cost a small fortune. They are staying
- The bottom left is a pair of Donald Pliner slides with an alligator type pattern with a 3 inch heel. These are also staying.

These are the middle range heels- 2 inches or so. All but one pair is Nine West. All are staying.
- Top left and Bottom left are the same shoe. They are a 2 inch slide- very comfortable. The top is blue fur, the bottom black leather. You can tell by the icky toe prints I wear these a lot.
- Top middle is another pair of comfy heels. These have a tiny strap at the ball of the foot and another higher up.
- Top right is also by nine west. A 2 inch slide, with a chunky heel and chunky leather strap. These look good with pants.
- Bottom right. These are Enzo Angiolini's. They have never been worn- although I hope to this summer to a wedding I have to attend. The picture doesn't do these justice. They are lovely and not all that uncomfortable.

My flats. These are just as uncomfortable for me as high heels.
- Top left is a pair of nine west alligator slides. The alligator is blue. They tend to "slap" when I wear them- which is never a good thing. When I hear that noise I want to scream "pick up your feet!" then I realize that it's me.
- Top middle is a pair of Keds Lily Pulitzer tennis shoes. These aren't all that bad. They have some sort of arch support and I like the orange color and pattern (gasp!)
- top right is a pair of nine west. They are slip ons, they have a rubber sole like a tennis shoes and a canvas top. I have worn them once. I don't know why I bought them really.
- Bottom right are my favorite shoes. Anne Klein. They are about 8 years old and doing just fine.
- Bottom left are my wedding shoes. Liz Claiborne jeweled flip flops. Apple green. They have got to stay- if just for sentimental reasons.
- I have 2 pair of Teva flip flops that are in the garage right now and not in this picture.
So, what do these shoes say about me? Well, they are almost all from my "past life" so not much. I am wearing mostly tennis shoes and flip flops now. I don't go many places where heels would be useful, acceptable or even warranted. I don't care what those fools at "what not to wear" would say -in large areas of America (like where I live), women do not dress up to go grocery shopping or to the park. Those pointy toed heels they love so much look great on some people, but unless you live in a larger city, they will just look out of place. Those of us who have to deal with weather (ie snow) laugh at those shoes. We need to find appropriate, comfortable ,fashionable shoes for our day- to -day life in middle America. Fly over country if you wish. We need people to understand how we live, what we do, and what we need. Not a set of rules for dressing that have nothing to do with our way of life.
Off soap box.
Why can't I part with them?
Because they still represent something in your life that you can't express any other way. That's a perfectly good reason to call them Sentimental Journeys and let them ripen.
I don't care what those fools at "what not to wear" would say -in large areas of America (like where I live), women do not dress up to go grocery shopping or to the park. Those pointy toed heels they love so much look great on some people, but unless you live in a larger city, they will just look out of place.
APPLAUSE! Love every moment of the rant.
Now I think it's up to you to find the answer, since the style consultants are too scared of small-town America to tackle it.
Pretty shoes
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