This is week 2- kitchen week. Since I am doing a combo of both the deep clean and one room cures, I am following this weeks kitchen clean up.
Things I have gotten done so far-
Monday I- Cleaned and dusted the screens of 5 windows (9 left to go), did general pick up and cleaning, painted the orange swatch in the kitchen, did 3 loads of laundry, cleaned 2 bathrooms and 2 toilets top to bottom, cleaned the floors in the kitchen and dining room, made chili gravy for home made enchiladas for Tues., painted with my son (who is sick right now with a head cold and that is the reason I can get so much done right now- he's pretty sedate right now and just wants to either read, color or watch tv all the while blowing his nose and rubbing his eyes- poor kid) cleaned the stove inside (my son helped me with that- I use lemon juice and baking soda so it's ok) threw away old food from the fridge (2 elderly tomatoes and 1 soy sauce), organized and cleaned out the silverware drawers, the kitchen tools and the cabinet of plastics (only 3 extra lids this time- yea!)
Tuesday I- watched the ice storm from the newly cleaned windows, and looked through my new magazines I got from the hospital gift shop. Then, when it started to melt we went to town and went shopping- I got fabrics for pillows and a curtain for the boys new room and small battery operated lights for his closet, then I primed the orange swatch in the kitchen white because we decided not to paint that orange, found the summer white curtains (they were lost for the past few days) and changed out the winter brown dining room curtains with the new summer ones. Then I made steak enchiladas with chili gravy and home made tortilla chips and salsa for dinner -with limeade, sorry, no margaritas for me!
- Wednesday I-Cleaned the fridge, re worked my husbands closet shelves because his stuff was stuffed in them, 3 loads of laundry, general pickup and cleaning, painted the backsplash in the kitchen, cleaned all the countertops in the kitchen, started cleaning the pantry (got the upper shelves and the drawers done) started work in the bedroom reworking accessories on the shelves, took care of my son who is still "all snotzy" as he says, and then decided that I too am coming down with something. Crap!

You would thing that with a newly found case of heart disease in my family I would have less fatty food
gratuitous refrigerator and freezer pictures
I have a large to do list for tomorrow so I hope I feel better tomorrow.
- Finish the pantry
- move the to sell box downstairs and start another one
- do some touch up painting in the kitchen
- put away all the various paints I have brought out
- start a box for the items I am getting for my sons room re-do
- finish the last 3 cabinets in the kitchen and the drawer under the stove.
- dust the kitchen light fixtures
- pull the stove and fridge out and clean under them
I think that's it. That better be it. After this I get to move on to redecorating- the fun stuff.
Um, the absence of text means you've got nothing done? I don't believe that--you said something about painting your backsplash on the Chicago thread.
Ug. I need inspiration.
Whoa--must have been a weird glitch. You are a whirlwind. I'm glad, though, you are going to take the weekend off. You really ought to rest, some time.
I'm sorry the little one is all "snotzy."
Wow. I get tired just reading about all the work you've done! You definitely deserve a weekend of rest, and fun. Lots of fun!! (Hope the Snotzinator is feeling better by the weekend, and hope you're not getting it...)
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