Yesterday my Metropolitan Life came in the mail. I have mixed feelings about this magazine, but I have been getting it for years and years, and for the past year, I have been looking at it with my son. He's 3, but he's with me 24/7, so he looks at what I look at, shops with me etc..... He loves paint swatches- has since he was a little baby.( We also look at architecture, paintings, we go to lowes and home depot- it's not just all shopping. ) My husband gets him involved with tools and building so he has been around remodeling and decor choices since he was born.
So we're looking at pictures and he pick this one out

and he says he likes it. I ask him why- thinking he'll just say "I don't know" or "I just do" but no, he goes on about the great ceilings, the art on the wall, and the candle holders on the table. Then he tells me he really likes the chairs, and asks me why there aren't any curtains. My mouth fell open.
We are re doing his room for his birthday this spring- and I think that I may have him all wrong. I think that we are taught ( or just pick up via osmosis) that little boys don't care what their room looks like and that children in general like childish things. Maybe that's not the case. Or maybe my kids just a weirdo. Either way- I think I need to listen to him a bit better.
again, I mourn that he is 30 years too young for me. Redoing that room with an involved little boy will be so much fun- I certainly hope you're going to let us watch!
Um, wow. I think you & Mr. might be able to get your retirement fund by the youngest HGTV star ever. And what an interesting room for him to latch onto... Can't wait to see what he wants to do with his room.
Don't get your hopes to high- he's still a 3 yr old boy. He likes spaceships and lions. He also seems to like uncluttered dining rooms with mid century modern furniture too... who knows what we'll end up with.
Also, he needs to learn some tact. He will look at pictures or furniture and say "boring" or "ugly" out loud in stores! Ikea was a nightmare with him in the upstairs part! He told a couple who were seated on a orange sectional that it was "icky" ( I thought it was too.. and uncomfortable at that) but still, he needs a off switch- or at least a 10 second delay.
Well, lorijo, yu'll have to get him a scarpbook for his "style tray." At his age--and his very definite opinions, he'll have a blast cutting out pictures of bedrooms he likes and putting it all together for you.
That will be great fun.
Alana, I am ashamed that I never even though about that. I have tons of magazines and that would be a lot of fun!
we frequently underestimate our children's awareness...i am surprised daily with their keen senses and memories like elephants...and yes, their total honesty
LOL -- I'm still trying to teach my twenty-five year old husband the concept of tact. He also still likes spaceships and lions. At least your Iittle one likes mid century furniture, I genuinely think Ian would pick out a race car bed for us if I let him.
It sounds like you have a budding designer on your hands :)
Monica- My 41 yr old husband would sit around surrounded by sports posters, maps and Hardy boys books. I wonder if any of them really grow up!
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