middle of boys room- progress!
Originally uploaded by thefarmersdaughter
This weekend was weird- Sat. I did nothing. Well, I went shopping with the boy, but after that- nothing. We watched tv and vegged. Sunday though- a totally different story
We started work on the boys room. We took down the wall o shelves and I patched them. Next is more sanding, priming and painting. My son wants this color to stay. (at least today that's what he said) The Mr. put up my old kitchen shelves up on the opposite wall for pictures etc... and he's bringing up the old secretary from the basement for me to work on this week. I have to paint it. I may try a wood grain, but maybe not. I don't know yet. It's going to replace the giant Heywood Wakefield dresser you see in this picture. It was my great Grandma's and it's a bit fragile for a growing boy. Plus- it's HUGE. In a 8 x 10 ft room it's almost all you see.
So here is what I did on Sunday since I slacked on Sat.
-Cleaned my paint closet, organized it, and decanted a few gallons into quarts.
-took my winter clothes to downstairs storage.
-went grocery shopping and did this weeks menu
-took off the shelves in the boys room and helped the Mr. put up the new ones
-spackled the wall
-sanded the wall
-dusted the room (those three go together- wow was it messy)
-took a long walk down to the river and messed around as a family- watched the boy try to "fish" with a stick and chase the geese.
Here is the menu for this week-
Sunday we had sirloin steak with baked potatoes
Monday - homemade lasagna with salad
Tue. - Salmon (grilled if nice outside) with veggies and couscous
Wed. -Dirty rice with biscuits and salad
Thur. - going out with MIL
Fri -Roasted whole Chicken with garlic bread and salad
Sat. Lunch it's just me and the boy, but for dinner I will probably
make lunch, homemade waffles, with eggs, sausage or
bacon, biscuits and fruit. Yummy.
Holy cow, lorijo, I'm glad to hear you do rest, sometimes!
Where's the dresser going to go? Large pieces can be so difficult.
I'm just putzing about, today, thinking there must be some way to use my time better!
That dresser is part of my greatgrandmothers bedroom set. It's the one that I remember from her house. I have the dressing table and the bed side table in my downstairs studio- and I suppose that is where this piece will go. THe bed frame is also down there behind some hanging items.
I am so lucky that I have 2 extra rooms to store items like this. I don't have to get rid of family heirlooms.
This is how I have always worked. When something needs to get done, I just get it done. Once I have a plan in place I like to get it finished and it sort of ticks me off if I can't for some reason. That doesn't mean I don't procrastinate (spelling?) about things- I do- but not stuff I feel really needs to get done.
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