it was supposed to be a blizzard, but we got ice instead. Everything is closed down around here- except of course for my husbands university and walmart.
This weekend I decided to forgo going through coats and underwear to do a few needed things around the house. I started painting the laundry room, but after about 6 ft I decided I really didn't like the color, no actually I thought the color was awful. I will start again later this week-after I recover - now I think I may just use the leftover paint from my bathroom. I like that color and it will go with the kitchen color. That room is very visible- and looks horrible! Cheap nasty 60's vinyl floor, and a drop ceiling. The room itself isn't level (it was an add on to my house), the floors squeak, and it's COLD, it's also the room where my little dog and cat do their "business". Yes, I said dog. He weighs 8 lbs and refuses to go outside once there is a dusting of snow on the ground. If I were to take him outside now, he would lay down and not move. I am terrified he will get hypothermia. He's from Texas and when we came here it was quite a shock on his little system. SO, when you add all that up- ICK! So the laundry is my big project now. The kitchen is out of my hands, the table shelf , the trim and the 2 new electrical outlets are up to my husband.
We got the Christmas tree and got it up. I like to have it sit for a few days and fall before putting lights on it. We get the tree from a tree farm up the road. This year they were much cheaper- the owner said the economy was the cause. He just can't sell the expensive kinds. Ours is a Frasier Fur. I like them because they don't hurt when you touch them. 2 years ago we go a blue spruce and it went out of it's way to cause me pain. I hated that tree.....
I also put together my fish tank that has been in storage for 5 years. My son loves looking at the fish every time we go shopping at Meijer. I thought that I would fill it with goldfish. It needs to filter out for a few more days before I can put living fish in it. We have a well, so there isn't chemicals in the water, but I am still waiting. Even .15 fish need a good shot at life!
We also cleaned the garage so that my car will fit inside. We have never had even one car in our garage in the 4 years we have lived here. It's always been full of project chairs, strollers, garden art etc..... I can't wait to see how it goes ! Getting my son in and out of the car without the rain or snow will be a treat!
I got an email from an on line retailer interested in selling my voodoo art dolls. I don't know exactly what to do. My brother is going to put them on his web site too.... I don't know how exactly I feel about that. I never started doing the dolls for cash or profit, just for fun and something to do. They are rather odd, and a niche item. Besides, I don't even know how much I would sell them for. What a quandary!
My heavens, you have been busy!
We got our tree up--it's a sad little artificial thing we bought on our "honeymoon" --at a garage sale! I think it's the last year for the thing...and we'll get another atrificial one after Christmas when they're 1/2 price.
I've never had a real tree and I'm frankly scared of them!
Getting your car into the garage is a huge step! You will really appreciate it. We have only a single car garage and now that we're down to one vehicle, it's in there. I personally hate going out to the garage (it isn't attached to the house and there's no such thing as a garage door opener system in our price range or DIY skill set!). It was just a lot more convenient parked at the front of the house!
There's a fish you can get that is a lot hardier than a gold fish and looks just like it. I forget what it's called but apparently real goldfish are very difficult to keep alive. Ask the folks about it wherever you plan to get the fish. I wish we had done that when my son was that age too. He would have loved it!
wow you have a lot going on lorijo. congrats on the fact that your art is being recognized, and on making space in your garage for your car. keep us posted on the painting...
Space in the garage? This is a major step. Good for you!
And congratulations on the interest in your voodoo dolls.
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