My parents actually sold this house about 15 years ago or so. It was a really nice house when we had it, but the new owners didn't do much-if any-maintance, and it slipped into icksville pretty quickly. The house was built originally in the early 1900's. The big sqare piece was the original house, in the back was a stable that was eventually combined with the main body of the house. There was a huge crawlspace in between the first and second floor and I'm sure once the fire got into that it just went everywhere. The siding is slate and kept the fire sort of under control. Apparently, it was a huge fire and no one can live there right now. I don't think the new owners have money to fix it, so I am waiting for it to be condemed. That will just break my heart.
I called my brother before sending him the pictures because I knew this was upset him as much as it upset me. He really wanted to buy this house from my parents just to keep it in the family, but our town really doesn't have anyway to support what my brother does for a living. Besides, it's not that great of a house, it just has a lot of our family memories. We can think about our family and our memories just about anywhere.
Oh, that's such hard news for you and for your family. My thoughts are with you. Even though your family hasn't been living there, it's still full of memories. {{{hugs}}}
thanks. When I heard about it I didn't think it was going to affect me at all-but I had to pull over to the side of the road when I actually saw it. I was just so glad that the white house next door didn't get damaged. The elderly couple next door are very special- she was my babysitter growing up (she was elderly when I was young!) Anyway, when the firemen came to her door she asked them if she needed to go out with her hose and help. Fiesty old lady.
lorijo- sending you and your family thoughts and well-wishes from DC. I can't imagine what it would be like to see your childhood home this way. HUGS!
Oh, how sad!
Your past is really coming to GET you on every front lately...
Oh lorijo, I'm so sorry. It's too bad it had to go that way. It looks like it was a great house to grow up in. I love the four-square bungalow style--so distinctive and not really all that common. How sad.
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