
7 days and counting....

I have insomnia. Often. For many days at a time. Last week I slept 6 ish hours ( in 1 and 2 hour intervals) in 3 days. Then, over the weekend I actually slept on Saturday night/Sunday Morning (from 2am to about 8 am, then again until around 11 am) but last night (Sunday) I got no sleep. zip. I am dead on my feet...zombie type dead.  I'm not growling but it's close....

Now, before anyone mentions pills. I can't. I am not only an insomniac, but a sleepwalker. I would be one of those people who grab their keys, drive to the McDonalds, order everything on the menu and eat it all and never remember a moment of it while on those things. I have tried Valerian root, and it does work a bit for me..but I get very vivid dreams with it and that wakes me up....so the point of it is kind of lost on me.....

No matter what is going on....I do have work to do. Except when I had my  H1N1 infection last year, I have stuff I have to do almost every day.   I have to get the boy ready to go to school- pack his lunch, make sure he gets dressed etc... I have to do at least one load of laundry. I do a load of dishes every other day (today was that day). I don't "have" to do much, but I do need to get this stuff done, and I am just dragging.

The Mr. is going to pick up the boy at school today since I can't be trusted behind the wheel of a car right now, and I am going to try to go to bed, or at least lie down. Maybe put on "Ancient Aliens" and giggle myself to sleep....


Anne At Large said...

That sounds awful, I am desperately sleep-dependent and I have no idea how you get by with so little sleep! Hope Ancient Aliens works for you, I always end up staying awake yelling at the tv with stuff like that...

lauralynne said...

Ugh. I hate sleep deprivation. Have you tried melatonin? I've heard that it can be a good natural option.