
I'm not ignoring you...

we are just sick here. Really sick. They warned us at the boys first day of Kindergarden that our kids would be sicker than they had ever been before. I just didn't think it would be in the first week.
I passed it onto his teacher too... I can't believe it.


scb said...

Oh no! Hope you're all feeling better soon!!!

Anne At Large said...

Ugh. Feel better soon!

Alana in Canada said...

Now you know one of the reasons we homeschool!

I hope you all are well soon! You probably aren't in any shape to think about it, but I was wondering if you are going to do the Fall Cure this time around?

thefarmersdaughter said...

Alana- I will possibly do a one room sewing room cure. But, since 10% of my body weight right now is snot, I can't think about it right now..