Let's start with WT shall we? Going through my "picture books" (big 3 ring binders I keep of stuff I want to see later) I found these pictures. This is really how I would like to dress-given the chance. Maybe a bit more color than grey and black, but you get the drift.....

I got bored today- it's snowing and gross outside so I turned this and this

I got bored today- it's snowing and gross outside so I turned this and this
Into this.....
The boy is still loving Pirates. So that is his constuction paper picture of Jack Sparrow and the chest that holds Davy Jones' heart. In his hand is the round key (although, truth be told- he had to explain all of this to me.) The red part is a flag.
Also- my coffee maker died. Well, it would still work if I put my hand in the back and jiggled the cord. Since the water goes in the back and so does the electicity that wasn't going to be a long term option for me. My Mr. bought me a new machine yesterday.

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