Here are some pictures of mine that make me happy. I took them all, but some are from my days with a SLR so I had to take a picture of the picture with my digital ( I don't have a scanner) sorry if some have a bit of flash.
My boy....

Grand Canyon.....

Tx capitol

Flagstaff Arizona....

On the road to Monument Valley....

Juneau Alaska-

Outside of Santa Fe New Mexico.....

I didn't have a wedding cake- I had wedding watermelons!

Outside of
Flagstaff Arizona ( I love that place!)
Sedona Arizona

The farm that we lived at when I first moved up here and where my wedding was held...

My baby shower- I was 7mos. pregnant at that time-

The Grand Canyon in winter....

There is my tour- have a great weekend.
What stunningly beautiful places those are - and I love the wedding watermelons!
Wedding watermelons. Brilliant. Also, the first Flagstaff photo - I'm assuming that's one of the digital shots of a print - comes out looking like a painting. Quite cool. Have fun at the wedding and good luck with drama.
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