I am not going to post any other pictures from the wedding I attended this past weekend. The weather was poor to say the least. When we got down there (about 5 hours before the ceremony) there was a severe thunderstorm with possible tornado going through the area, hail, 60mph winds, sideways rain. It looked pretty grim. Then it cleared up. The ceremony was outside- the reception in a tent ( a HUGE tent- it would have held 400 people) about and hour into the ceremony the weather struck again. There were people HOLDING DOWN the south side of the tent. All in all though,we had a nice time.
My family handled the uncle issue quite quite well. My aunt (his ex) less so. One of his children doesn't speak to him about 50% of the time- she was in full non speaking mode. I pulled up my big-girl panties (as we say in our family) and said hello, smiled, and introduced him to my son. But then I said goodbye and walked away. I think he was very sad- he seemed to understand just what he had lost for a moment. But he is one of those people who really only cares for himself- so he was probably over it by dinner.
The title of this post though- goes toward the dissection that my family put that wedding through on the ride home. My cousin married a nice girl. I like her- so keep that in mind. Her family seemed nice enough. That said, criticism runs rampant in my family. I am not going to go into the entire story. Just imagine a big boned family and wedding party- unfortunate dress choices all around- dresses that wore the owners instead of the other way around-gigantic boobs that looked like they were balanced on a shelf and threatened to pop out at any given moment-fishtail trains- a dj that appeared to just phone it in- little organization what so every at the reception-a family (not mine)that was fighting and giving each other dirty looks-sitting under a huge tent with metal poles in a thunderstorm- and no ADULT BEVERAGES. ARG!!!!
I pray someday there is a picture of the dresses to share with us, your WT pals...
I have some pictures but I don't think I can post them. I feel bad for the choices that these people made. Also, the mother of the bride dress (which IMHO was the worst) is the one I don't have a pic of. The bridesmaids well, I can't get a clear picture of the dress when I crop off the girls heads (also- the color doesn't look nearly as revolting in the pic as it did in person- it was a very bad pink- more like a coral) I do have a bridal pic- but it just seems mean to post only that one when others looked just as bad.
This is where real life is stranger than fiction--no one would believe all the drama! Thanks for letting us know though.
I hope that girl really loves your cousin (and is the type to see through a committment). It's tough for a woman to marry into a family who insistes on taste when you don't have any.
Your photo looks like the approach to the Denver airport on a day you know your flightly will be delayed.
As Civil Unrest Weddings go, sounds like this one was kinda ok...just imagine how much the fighting and dirty-looking (erm, you know what I mean) family would have been with the adult beverages...
we always knew that the girl my cousin married didn't have a lot of clothing taste. She is the queen of the muffin top. That said- she was with him- and stuck by him- during the entire "coming out" incident and the divorce. There aren't any secret crazies in my family- they are all out in the open.
ah well, then. That makes her just crazy enough to "fit in" then! What the bridesmaids et al, wore won't matter in 25 years anyway...though it just might take that long for the discussion to die down, from the sounds of it. ;)
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