
Drama, Mayhem and Foolishness at my house last night!

Long story short- I found a tick on my dog last night. Just one, I got it out intact and it was flat so it had not fed yet- so I think it was a new acquisition. I went NUTS. Stripped the whole family down, checked out every orifice. Had to muzzle the dog in order to check the rest of his body out ( I found the tick in his ear) I took every linen item the dog was in contact with and hot water washed them and then dried them in a hot dryer for 70 minutes ( I read on the web they die in the dryer , but they are tough little monsters) . All night long I was itchy and feeling like something was crawling on me. Nothing was, but ICK..........
We just walked around the house. That's it. We didn't walk in a field or woods. Just around the perimeter of the house. I am afraid this is a sign of things to come. I don't want my son to look like a goofball with his pants tucked into his socks (or me to look stupid either come to think about it) so I am off today to search out bug sprays and repellents. Anyone have any ideas?????


scb said...

No helpful ideas, just wanted to say "Ugh, I hate ticks!!!"

thefarmersdaughter said...

Thanks. I suppose I should feel lucky- the dog is 13 (or 14 I can't remember right now) and he's never had a tick or flea before.

I hear that repelants with DEET are useful with ticks. I have an issue with chemicals (not as much as you do though) so I am a bit wary......

Colleen said...

my mom called me today to say that three kids in her KG have lice. LICE. I'm itchy just thinking about it- my mom is dead meat if she gives me cooties!

I'm a city girl so I have no experience with ticks, but based on my current paranoia, I can only imagine my lack of experience is a very good thing for the world at learge. good luck!