
My favorite 3 pieces of art

If you are lucky enough to have art in your own home, then you probably have your favorite piece. I have three, and they are all my favorites but for different reasons...

This one is a piece that was painted by my brother Grego. This is actually a personal piece of his about his divorce. I do not love it because of that reason. I love it because it helped him work out and get through a rough patch in his life. When he "didn't need it anymore" he gave it to me.  (sorry about the monitor corner.. this is above my computer desk)

This next piece I love simply because someone must have spent a long time on this. It's a chalk of a very dead pheasant. It is VERY, VERY old. When we bought it (for less than 2 bucks) it was just loose in a cruddy frame.  We had it re matted and framed in an antique frame that I already owned and loved. I think it came out wonderfully and I have it up in our living room now...

This last piece is something I picked up in an antique store in Austin about 10 years ago. It's a fishing village, maybe Haitian. It's signed Louisius. I had it by my bedside for about 8 years, now it's in the entry way. I love to be able to see it when going out the door- especially in the winter. It gives me hope that summer is coming soon....

Tomorrow I'll post my runner ups....

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