but it was very good- got rid of a LOT of stuff and all the big stuff (chairs, buffet, playset, oven) that I needed to....
but that is not what this post is about. I live in a very small, very rural area. I might even describe some of the local folk as woodland hillbillies. I met an awful lot of them this weekend as they were stomping around my yard and I have to say- my snarky-ness has gotten the best of me.
Two things I took away from this weekend.
1. If you only have one or two teeth left in your head- shouldn't they be the cleanest teeth in the world? I mean, really- I would work hard to keep what little I had left if it were me-but apparently some people need that brushing time to do something more.....important. I swear I saw people with stalactite's in their mouth today.
2. camel toe is making a come back in my neck of the woods.....
Ha, I believe it. And second the teeth thing. Also jealous of you getting rid of stuff! My garage is driving me craaazy...
I couldn't believe how much stuff I got rid of- it's fantastic!
If you are like me and don't have time (or no desire) to run a yard sale, you can list stuff for sale online on www.privategaragesale.com
It's free – no commissions, no fees whatsoever. And it is also totally private, so you do not need to disclose your address or email to strangers. www.privategaragesale.com handles all communications between sellers and buyers without ever disclosing their email addresses. Just list your extra stuff and it goes on sale forever, with no strangers in your yard and no wasted weekends.
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