
I am back

Busy week with no time for blogging.

1. I feel better, but I am not cured of pneumonia yet.

2. I did help take the boys kindergarten class to the children's museum. 100 5 and 6 year olds on 3 buses an hour away. In 90 degree heat. Just imagine that for a moment.....

3. The basement is cleaned, sanitized and we have an insurance settlement which is very generous. Thank you citizens.

4. The Mr. and I spent 2 days going out to garage sales. We bought a ton of stuff. It will be posted on my other blog- Big red dog vintage
eventually, some might make it to my Etsy shop-Big red dog vintage and some has already been boxed up to go to the antique market this weekend.

5. The pool table is here, set up, felted, new cushions etc... we played a few games last night. My husband is a better player than I am.

6. It has been hotter than the rings of hell here last week, so I spent most of my time in the basement where I have no internets.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

1 comment:

scb said...

Glad you're starting to feel better!

Hope the horrible heat goes away soon -- I'll gladly send you a little cool and rainy.