
food Inc...

I watched the movie last night. I might have nightmares forever.  My grandfather had a farm so I am not squeamish about meat and where it comes from. But I wasn't prepared for factory farms, or just how much high fructose corn syrup is in.... everything.

I think that it's time I made a change. I just don't know what that will be yet....



Cookbook said...

Our Daily Bread is another good documentary that highlights how gross our industrial food system is -- without any dialogue.

Maybe cleaning up our personal eating and buying habits would make for a nice group blog challenge. 'Tis the season, what with farmer's markets and such. It would be cool to share ideas.

thefarmersdaughter said...

I think so too- it's be a bit before much comes into season here, but I think your term of "cleaning up our personal eating" is a good one and something that I can strive for....