Since I completed project number 1, I have to make the plans to move on to another one.
Number 2 is my inside project (for rain etc...) it is re covering my Plycraft chair. (under the deer head) The naugahydes are ripped and torn. I have the new upholstery fabric and just need to dis- assemble the chair and re upholster it. It sounds harder than it will be (I hope)

Project 3. New walkway to mudroom door. All the grass leading to the door has to be torn up. The dogwoods need to be planted, coral belles, bluegrass, something with color (yet to be
determined) and nice bark mulch. Also, a hose hook and a
paver walkway. (there is a wood walkway up against the house that is going to be pulled up and we will cement what we need and fill the rest with dirt.)

Project 4. My studio. The new buffet is going into this room (the empty space used to be a table) and I need to clean up and organize my" dirty little secret "room. It's a mess and it really shouldn't be. It's very
embarrassing. There is an Edward Wormley desk in there, a great vintage chair and tons of interesting stuff- it just should be nicer than it is.

So that is the next group of projects. Two inside for rainy days and one really large project for the front yard area.
I like the dogwoods and coral bells idea, I think that will look really pretty. I would also recommend bleeding hearts (or maybe I am projecting as I can't grow them here, sniff). And maybe some astilbe. How do you feel about roses? Too high-maintenance?
roses are way to high maintenance for me- I have astilbe on the side that I do like very much- I hadn't thought about bleeding hearts- my mom has them in her front garden- how much sun do those need??
When I'm reading up on shade plants for my front yard, dianthus (bleeding heart) is mentioned as liking shade. And the bunnies like to eat it, so you may want to take that into consideration.
If bunnies like it then it's out for me. They get into everywhere here- heck the deer have even taken to coming into the front yard now- not just the back. Yesterday I had 4 walk down my road at about 11 am.....
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