This morning was a little rough. We have a large 10 x 20 ft tent set up in the front yard to help with the yard sale- the garage is totally full. My parents told me not to worry about the canopy too much- unfortunately a HUGE storm rolled through this morning dumping a ton of rain. We noticed that the rain was collecting and pooling on the roof . I went out and got under the canopy (which is full of garage sale stuff) trying to push the roof up and get the water to run off. I got one side kind of drained, when I noticed that the roof on the other side was collapsing. I got out just in time before the roof gave way and the supports buckled. We fixed it (finally- only 3 poles were bent beyond repair) but now we may get more severe storms tonight. I was so worried about the tent blowing away that I never even thought to worry about the weight of the rain.
Here is a picture of the tent now (fixed) and some before garage sale pics- some of the stuff that is in the garage. I didn't have the lights on so they are a bit dark. The clothes and books are still packed away until tomorrow. I will post more pics when the whole thing is set up. I hope and pray the weather is good (or at least not crappy) so this stuff goes to live with someone else. Wish us luck!

Is this the infamous neighbourhood sale--or just your own stuff?
It's amazing the amount of things you have in there!
Good luck with it! I hope it all just GOES (and not with the wind).
Fingers crossed for good weather for you...
I hate to admit it but the pictures are all of my stuff. The tent is filled with my parents stuff, the yard with other peoples items. There are also 12 other sales in the village this weekend
lt all looks so organised - good luck!
much much good luck being wished to you from my little corner of the world!!!!!
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