
I'm not ignoring you....... I have H1N1

Really. Tested positive for it Wed. I was basically in a coma Tues, Wed, and Thursday. I am sitting upright now, but so tired and dizzy. A week of my life is gone and I think it'll be another 4 days before I am back to even a low normal. Thank God my husband and son appear to have missed it. The Mr. disinfected everything I touched and they kept their distance from me in another section of the house.

DO. NOT. GET. THIS. FLU. It is awful. I was sicker with this than when I was recovering from cancer for freaks sake. I scared my Mr. on Wed- he thought I might die. It's no joke. Next year, I'm getting a flu shot.


Beth said...

Oh no! Get better soon!!!

Mella DP said...

You poor thing. Feel better!

Alana in Canada said...

Wow. I thought that was supposed to have run its course by now. I'm sorry you were laid so low. Rest well. No scurrying about the yard getting ready for Spring!

Anne At Large said...

Ugh. Feel better soon! I have been complaining since I got mu flu shot Monday, I will totally stop now. I hope it doesn't lay you low for too much longer.

And Alana, my flu shot automatically included H1N1 as well so I guess it's not gone yet.

thefarmersdaughter said...

from what I understand, you can be really, really sick for a week, then feel like crap for another week- as long as you don't have anything else wrong with you.

a women from town has been in an induced coma for her H1N1- she's been sick for over 40 days and wore completely out. The coma might just save her life.....