
Living room ideas- and my own space!

Over the Christmas break I had a lot of time to be on the computer widows shopping for decor ideas-my son got that horrid flu over break. I came up with few ideas and ended up getting more and more frustrated as the days went by. I don't know if that was because I was trying to do that while cleaning up little boy puke, or if that room is just my decor black hole. 

This first picture is from desire to inspire...  I love the large horse art, the olive green wall color and the off white sofa. It looks comfortable to me, and somehow boy proof at the same time....
This picture below is uncredited on my computer... I'm guessing it's English too- maybe I got it off of Living etc....? I would credit it if I could. I love that furniture. I love the art on the wall. I am less enthralled with the cow udder like light fixture, but overall, that space is fantastic.

This mess is my living room. The fireplace is fake. It used to be real, but it set the house on fire, so it was removed and the roof covered over. The firebox is still there though, and so I have electric logs in there right now. The brick is real brick, but just a facing so it's thin. I hate this wall. It's the bane of my existence. The wall is at an angle, by the unused pass through and on the right is the door to the back deck. It's useless. I hate it.

The table is a family piece, it's the top of my MIL's real parents dining room table. It's HUGE but it's needed as this is where the boys have snacks, do homework, read and draw and do legos etc.... The sofas are on their last legs. The plycraft chair is uncomfortable- but I love how it looks. The only thing I really like is the curtains.

I need a change.

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