This first picture is from desire to inspire... I love the large horse art, the olive green wall color and the off white sofa. It looks comfortable to me, and somehow boy proof at the same time....
This picture below is uncredited on my computer... I'm guessing it's English too- maybe I got it off of Living etc....? I would credit it if I could. I love that furniture. I love the art on the wall. I am less enthralled with the cow udder like light fixture, but overall, that space is fantastic.
This mess is my living room. The fireplace is fake. It used to be real, but it set the house on fire, so it was removed and the roof covered over. The firebox is still there though, and so I have electric logs in there right now. The brick is real brick, but just a facing so it's thin. I hate this wall. It's the bane of my existence. The wall is at an angle, by the unused pass through and on the right is the door to the back deck. It's useless. I hate it.
The table is a family piece, it's the top of my MIL's real parents dining room table. It's HUGE but it's needed as this is where the boys have snacks, do homework, read and draw and do legos etc.... The sofas are on their last legs. The plycraft chair is uncomfortable- but I love how it looks. The only thing I really like is the curtains.
I need a change.
Yay! Your living room!
The pine fights with the brick I think, on that fireplace wall. But it is more than just the materials: the fireplace --its shape, the way the brick is laid, the placement, the height of the mantle, the whole nine yards is directly opposed to your aesthetic. Why don't you rip it out? A surround out of painted two by fours would suit you well!
About the door: if you don't use it, why not "hide" it with drapery? Just keep the curtains closed. At least paint it the same colour as the wall, if you can.
It looks like there is some sort of wrapping around the table legs of the round table. (It's fabulous, by the way. No need to apologise for it!) Can that be removed? Can we see legs? Even if you have to use baskets underneath to corrall the toys/supplies, it would help the room breathe.
Love the light in here. It's gorgeous! Let us know how it goes--and your thoughts. It's so much fun to co-decorate!
(oh--and my cabinets are yellow with white trim on the uppers.)
I agree about trying the table top on a different base to make it look less heavy.
Have you considered painting the brick? I agree it doesn't seem to work with the pine. Also, the mantle looks very high- can it be lowered or can you maybe extend the wood facing up from the fireplace?
Are you actively looking for couches or just dreaming?
You know, it's not so much a cow's udder but a collection of ulula. Have you seen that film where the house comes alive? It might be too scary for the little guy yet.
active in my search for a sofa. Leather. long. three seats. Brown. You would think that narrowing it down like that would help. NO. The mantle is WAY too high. It came that way with the house. Painting the brick might be ok, but the color of the brick goes with the wall color pretty well..... I think it is the wood I hate now. And the mantle. And the tile.
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